Alward Institute Customized Training in Economic Analysis

The Alward Institute for Collaborative Science provides individualized training, consultation and collaborative research opportunities for introductory and/or advanced input output and CGE analysis techniquesinvolving complex policy environments.  We specialize in making the complex underlying economic theories and models understandable and applicable to each unique situation.  All instructors at the Alward Institute have advanced degrees in economics and are experienced policy analysts and regional economists familiar with a broad range of complex data analysis.  Our experience and knowledge allows us to design a unique training session specifically to meet your individual requirements.

Our typical custom training includes an intensive two-day session where we travel to your site and work directly with you to develop analysis techniques that will meet your requirements.  We have a large set of applications and various economic modeling resources which enable us to meet your unique training requirements.   

The following is a partial list of the topics we can address in a session:

•Farm enterprise budgets

•Multi-regional commodity trade models

•Multi-regional input-output models

•Customizing SAMs to build CGE models

•Batch-processing capabilities

•Model customization

•Multi-year event considerations

•Supplemental spending patterns

•Full-time equivalent employment impacts

•Interpretation and extended use of industry multipliers

•Or any other specialized scenario pertaining to your area of expertise or interest


Our customized training also provides an overview of a large variety of analysis techniques and applications that can be applied to problem frames such as:


•Economic development

•Workforce development

•Contribution studies

•Supply chain analysis

•Regional competitive advantages

•Disaster planning

•Travel and tourism

•Creating and/or Disaggregating Sectors

•Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) modeling

•Economic analysis for NEPA Environmental Impact Statements

•Annual Monitoring of the Economic Impacts and Contribution of Agency Programs

•Assembling Very Large Scale Arrays of Models for cross-sectional and time-series analysis